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Dream Riders Eligibility
"Eligible Children" These are the children that make your family eligible to be a part of Dream Riders. They are the legal children, biological or adopted, or the sibling of the military service member that died while on active duty.
"Immediate Family" Dream Riders mission is to create new happy memories for the children and siblings of our military service members that died while on active duty. With this mission in mind, we believe our Dream Riders events should be an opportunity for the child's entire family to heal. So in addition to allowing the hero's child/sibling to attend our events, we invite that child's entire "immediate family". We define and limit the "immediate family" as,
1) The "eligible children".
2) The "eligible child's" parent or legal guardian.
3) The current spouse of the parent or legal guardian.
4) Youth siblings in the same household of the "eligible child", including half and step children.
"Additional Family Members" (AFM) These are the "Immediate Family" members listed in #3 and #4 above. What we provide: Except where otherwise noted, Fallen Hero's Dream Ride covers most of the costs associated with our events. This includes, Lodging, Meals, and Activities. Unfortunately we are unable to provide transportation to and from our events. If you meet the above requirements, we would love for you to become a part of our Dream Riders family! Please fill out the registration form and we will be in touch.
"Point of Contact" (POC) This is typically the surviving parent of the eligible child, but also may be the legal guardian of the eligible child. The POC should be the one filling out this form and MUST have legal authority to make decisions for the children listed on this form.